- 0791495574
- info@finfarmfish.co.ke || sales@finfarmfish.co.ke || customercare@finfarmfish.co.ke
Fish Farming
Commercial fish farming in Kenya is not a new business idea. Kenya is endowed with many aquatic resources with successful aqua cultural potentials. Highly varied climatic and geographic regions are available in Kenya.
We work directly with farmers, suppliers and traders to improve the production and marketing of fish by:
- Providing training for fish farmers and helping them to access high-value markets to increase their incomes
- Supporting the suppliers of feed and fingerlings (young fish) to improve the quality of their produce and help them to sell to farmers
- Working with traders to increase their access to and capacity to sell larger volumes of farmed fish
- Carrying out an educational campaign to show the benefits of farmed fish over wild-caught fish
- Helping fish farmers to organize themselves into trade associations so that the industry can thrive
- These engagements build upon FinFarm Traders’ history of working with the Kenyan aquaculture sector and setting up a network of shops which continue to provide an invaluable source of support for Kenya's new fish farmers.